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Una guida pratica e riflessiva:

A Oxfam sappiamo che molti insegnanti asprirano a fornire un’educazione alla cittadinanza globale ma, data la complessità della questione e l’insieme delle sfide che i docenti affrontano, può essere difficile capire da dove iniziare a lavorare per tradurre tali ispirazioni in una pratica scolastica quotidiana. La guida, in lingua inglese, ha lo scopo di fornire indicazioni e idee pratiche per aiutarti in questo percorso.


A practical and reflective guide:

At Oxfam, we know that many teachers aspire to provide such an education but, given the complexity of the issues and all the other challenges that teachers face, it can be difficult to work out where to start in translating these aspirations into everyday classroom practice. This guide aims to give you pointers and some very practical ideas to help you on your way.

We also recognise that we are all on an ongoing journey in our understanding of global citizenship and its implications for our professional practice. The guide therefore includes some reflection points which can be used individually or with colleagues to deepen your thinking and classroom practice.


The global classroom; Getting to grips with global citizenship; The big ideas in global citizenship; A planning framework; Developing global citizenship in your classroom practice; Participation in learning and decision-making; Asking questions; Making connections; Exploring viewpoints and values; Responding as active global citizens; Assessing learning; Further resources and support


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